Source Of Hidden Informations And Facts


ALLGRUULK "The builders"


This species is located in the sculptor constellation
they derrive from an ancient race of reptilians that have gone extinct
they are great ship builders for deep space travel
they have a life span of about 230 years
killy tokurt
comes from the constellation of vela, near the star suhail al muhlif
they grow up to 2 meters tall, and have a lifespand of about 200 years
they can shape shift and are very difficult to detect
when shapeshifting their eyes don't change
they are one of the oldest races
they do abduct humans



They come from the solar system surrounding the pleyadiyes stars, more
precisely from the planet erra near the star taygeta
they study spiritual health
they grow up to about 2.5 meters
they practice "sex cultivation", the distinct difference between their
sexual expressions and their sensual emotions.
their ships are known as "beamships"
although regularly visiting Earth, they have remained mostly "silent" since
10,000 BC
they are one of the oldest races
they continue to develop the necessary mental skills to eventually reach
their goal: an even higher "spiritual state"



They come from the constellation volans
the sightings of this race on Earth are rare and they are considered as "a
mystery race"
it is said that they were forbidden to visit Earth around the year 1,000
BC, but they did not stop visiting Earth completely... this is because of
their allies: the race Maitre

kurs "gods of lands"

Believed to be related to the race of Anunnaki
they come from the planet dillimuns
they are the race "behind" the story of enlil and ninlil
they were directly involved on the development of the human race during our
early stages
after centuries away from Earth they have recently returned. their own
leader is amongst the most recent visitors. they will now stay on earth
permanently... they will have an important role in the years to come
they spend time immersed in a precious gold-like liquid that presumably
extends their life span



They come from galaxy sextans dwarf SPH
first visited earth in 934 AD in the area that we now know as romania
they often abduct and kill humans... they also drain and drink the blood of
humans as well as the blood of animals
they are responsible for the myth of vampires
several human governments know and accept their actions
the human bodies that they "use" are never returned



From the 1300s to the early 1900s they were not allowed to leave their
planet by other alien races
they are very violent
they are known to be maitre allies
they grow up to 1.6 meters


They come from the constellation cetus, near deneb kaitos shemali
although they are often confused with reptilian races, they do not share
anything with them except their appearence
they grow up to 2 meters and have a lifespand of 350 years
this is one of the 21 races that are known to have more than 2 genders
the race has 8 genders and all can reproduce


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